Fortune 100 companies are getting it…are you?

I was perusing the Mashable Social Media Guide website and I saw a great article on Social Media Trends at Fortune 100 Companies by Burson-Marsteller.   It is amazing to me that 79% of Fortune 100 companies already use Twitter, Facebook, YouTube or corporate blogs to communicate with customers and other stakeholders. 

I am happy to see that Twitter, rather than Facebook, is the most popular platform—with two-thirds of the Fortune 100 have at least one Twitter account.  Here are some other great statistics from that article:

  • Fifty-four percent have at least one Facebook fan page, 50% have at least one YouTube channel, and 33% have at least one corporate blog.
  • Twenty percent of the companies use all four social media platforms

The most important finding, in my humble opinion, was the “proof” that consumers actually do like to engage with companies via social media. 

Now, if only small businesses could put more effort into social media.  Perhaps they would be operating at more of a level playing field…

I would welcome any other statistics folks may have on social media usage!

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